LandPony Scavenger Hunt 2013

edited February 2013 in Forum Games

Welcome to the LandPony Scavenger Hunt 2013!

How does it work?

Tackle the ten challenges listed below.
Mail everything to me at [email protected] (preferably with your forum nick name)
The deadline is Sunday morning 9 am in Germany (Feb. 17th), i.e., Saturday night in the U.s. (e.g., 3 am EST, midnight in L.A.).
Important: You may form teams and submit as a team. (Then you mustn't submit replies on your own/with other teams.)
The LandPony (or the team of LandPonys) with the most points wins!

The prize:

The winner can call themselves "LandPony Scavenger Hunt 2013 Winner".
All particpants and lurkers can have fun without being on an expensive boat trip.

The challenges:

1. Name your five favorite JoCo songs. (5 points)
2. Name the five JoCo songs that have the largest total number of letters in the title. (Only letters from a to z count, no blanks/apostrophes etc.; e.g., "Better" scores 6 letters; 5 points)
3. Write a seven-sentence disaster story about the sinking of the Freedom of the Seas. (5 points)
4. Come up with a question you would like to ask Jonathan Coulton. (5 points)
5. Find five JoCo songs that have a food item in the lyrics. (5 points)
6. Find five JoCo songs that mention an animal in the lyrics (5 points)
7. Write a ten-sentence concert review of a JoCo concert you've attended - or if you haven't seen him live, write a review of the JoCo show of your dreams (ten sentences; 5 points)
8. Find five JoCo songs that have a woman's first name in the lyrics. (5 points)
9. Find five JoCo songs that have a man's first name in the lyrics. (5 points)
10. Record a cover version of a Joco song! (No previously released versions, only new recordings count; partial songs count; 5 points)

You get one bonus point for each song you name (or cover) that is not named (or covered) by anyone else.
I won't publish the individual answers, but you can post yours here after the deadline!


  • edited February 2013
    How about we post some of those  here in the forum now? It looks like nos. 1, 3, 4, 7, and 10 are non-unique.

    I'll start with my favorite songs (only 5!?).

    When You Go
    Future Soon
    Skullcrusher Mountain
    Space Doggity

    It was listening to Skullcrusher Mountain and When You Go back to back that sold me on Jonathan's music. Laugh out loud one song, tears in my eyes the next. That's a big reason those two made the list. And the chorus on Space Doggity is one of my favorite lyrics of all time.

    Oh, you mention posting answers here. I should have read all the way through. Sorry.
    I still think we ought to post some here now, lest posts get lost in the post-storm that will come when everybody gets off the boat.
  • Hey there, I have no idea if anyone will participate at all. But we can't let those SeaMonkeys have all the fun, can we? I think it's actually worth participating even if you're not a die hard JoCo fan - remember, all those super fans (level 4, duh) are on that lame cruise ship away from internets.
    Getting your submission in one email makes it much easier to organize things. Posting your answers to 1, 3, 4, 7, and 10 already is no problem whatsoever.
  • OK, I've submitted my entry.
  • And the winner is... @mtgordon !!!! He scored 81 points - most impressive.

    His submission was really great. I think it would have won even if there had been other entries. Yes, it looks like all forum members are/were on the cruise. Or my challenge was crap. Anyway, hooray for Mark!
  • Victory by default!
  • Can we see @mtgordon's entry? :D Or do you want to encourage late entries to ensure the forums have a bit of non-cruise in them for a while longer?
  • Here you go (I wasn't speculating on late entries)...

    1. Name your five favorite JoCo songs. (5 points)
    - Space Doggity
    - Down Today
    - Big Bad World One
    - I Crush Everything
    - Code Monkey

    2. Name the five
    JoCo songs that have the largest total number of letters in the title.
    (Only letters from a to z count, no blanks/apostrophes etc.; e.g.,
    "Better" scores 6 letters; 5 points)
    - Dance, Soterios Johnson, Dance (25)
    - Christmas with You Is the Best (25)

    - Christmastime Is Wunnerful (24)
    - Christmas Is Interesting (22)

    - Camp Bachelor Alma Mater (21)
    - Je Suis Rick Springfield (21)
    - Kenesaw Mountain Landis (21)
    - Millionaire Girlfriend (21)
    (four-way tie for fifth)

    3. Write a seven-sentence disaster story about the sinking of the Freedom of the Seas. (5 points)

    The colossal squid rose from the depths, fez and mustache at the
    ready, and embraced the ship eagerly.  As the hull of the Freedom of the
    Seas began to yield to its embrace, water quickly rushed in.  Tabletop
    games quickly grew soggy.  Sea Monkeys leapt overboard and clung to
    flotsam.  Floating wooden doors comfortably accommodated couples. 
    Ukuleles bobbed forgotten in the water.  As the ship sank beneath the
    waves, the Sea Monkeys noticed that the squid wore, clinging damply to
    its tentacles, the fanciest pants any of them had ever seen.

    4. Come up with a question you would like to ask Jonathan Coulton. (5 points)

    you had a time machine and could go back in time to just after you quit
    your day job to have a chat with your past self.  What would you say,
    with that past self as your audience, was the coolest part of your
    success to date?

    5. Find five JoCo songs that have a food item in the lyrics. (5 points)
    - Big Bad World One (crudite)
    - Code Monkey (Fritos)
    - Pizza Day (pizza)
    - IKEA (meatballs)
    - I'm Having a Party (Fudgie the Whale)

    6. Find five JoCo songs that mention an animal in the lyrics (5 points)
    - Seahorse (seahorse)
    - First of May (shar-pei)
    - My Beige Bear (bear, mouse, cat, monkey, snake, dog, cow)
    - Skullcrusher Mountain (ponies, monkeys, wolves)

    - Octopus (octopus)

    Write a ten-sentence concert review of a JoCo concert you've attended -
    or if you haven't seen him live, write a review of the JoCo show of
    your dreams (ten sentences; 5 points)

    I flew from Boston to the Best.
    Concert. Ever. show in San Francisco.  It was the first time I'd been
    to a concert with professional-grade cameras running; they provided a
    bit of a distraction at first, but one got used to them.  There was, if
    such a thing is possible, a higher concentration of nerds than is
    typical at most JoCo shows, whether because it was in San Francisco or
    because the spectacle had drawn a wider audience.  There was a sense of
    community, much like a con, long before a meatspace community started to
    grow around the cruises.  Paul and Storm opened.  Jonathan played all
    the standards.  Andy Bates secured his place in history.  Jonathan
    clearly pulled out all the stops, such as they were at that relatively
    early date, to get various guests to appear.  I got to watch Kristen
    Shirts playing ukulele and Jonathan playing Rock Band with Merlin Mann,
    Leo Laporte, and Veronica Belmont.  The cake was not a lie.

    8. Find five JoCo songs that have a woman's first name in the lyrics. (5 points)
    - Betty and Me (Betty)
    - The Future Soon (Laura)
    - Sibling Rivalry (Joan, Jane)
    - Madelaine (Madelaine)
    - Tom Cruise Crazy (Katie)

    9. Find five JoCo songs that have a man's first name in the lyrics. (5 points)
    - Je Suis Rick Springfield (Rick)
    - Dance, Sotarios Johnson, Dance (Soterios)
    - Re Your Brains (Tom, Bob)
    - Mandelbrot Set (Benoit)

    - Kenesaw Mountain Landis (Kenesaw, Joe)
  • Congratulations @mtgordon!

    @Jutze The challenge wasn't crap! I was uncharacteristically away from any sort of internet after my post last Wed., or I would have submitted something. Probably not an 81 point answer, but enough to earn me the honor of runner up. Oh, and what about your top 5 JoCo songs?

    I'd also love to hear from anyone else in the larger Monkey/Pony Alliance with their top 5 (and a bit of why?). I know there are a lot of new folks here who were on the cruise. And even the forum veterans top 5 might have changed with some of the "recent" songs. Or should that be a new thread . . .?

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