JoCo Cruise Crazy 5: The Basics



  • I recall last year we had a special deal for wi-fi at Embassy, because the Home Office knows we need our wi-fi.
  • @Grimoire Sorry about the delay getting back to you; it is our understanding that the JCCC rate includes free wifi. Beyond that, we couldn't say.

  • Heads-up to Southwest flyers - their schedule extended today! Southwest tickets can now be purchased for the cruise dates!
  • I think someone sorted the Sea Monkey Migration chart without including the notes column. The note on my line has the wrong hotel listed. I'm changing it back to Hilton now.
  • A repeat for the newbies:

    Yay JCCC5!
    Feel free to visit the
    Facebook group -
    Wiki -
  • Thanks for the migration chart.  Being my first cruise, and first JCCC, I'm anxious to get all the remaining booking and other stuff done, but how I understand it, it will be "SOON(TM)"?  Patience!
  • Hi @selflessscoundrel. Also my first cruise and first JCCC. So far I've found a roomate, booked the trip, bought airline tickets, lurked here and on the facebook site, commissioned a fez from Chicazul, bought and am working my way through the entire Jonathan Coulton music collection, read the Wiki, the Primer, and have been watching myriad miscellaneous youtube clips--JCCC and non-JCCC--of Coulton, Paul & Storm, Wil Wheaton, Jim Boggia, the Doubleclicks, and anyone else tangentially related to JCCC that catches my fancy. Welcome to the dark side!
  • When should we be looking at finding out our cabin assignments?  I booked in August, but haven't gotten any communication since the "you're booked!" email.  Maybe I need to look in my spam filters...

  • Cabin assignments last year came in early October.  Can't say for sure when they'll happen this year, but it will certainly be a matter of months, not weeks.  Don't worry, you haven't missed anything yet :)
  • @The_Mutha  Soontm    .....   
  • @Dr_Leila Don't forget  Marian Call (and Paul F Tompkins)!
  • Thanks @origamislayer, that rocked!
  • Coming Attractions: I hear that some Soon™ will become Now... "Pretty Soon"™
  • Wooooo! Thanks @rhaje!!
  • Storm hinted as much @ the Doublclicks show.   Kate!!!!!


    We're very happy to announce the initial Performer Lineup for JoCo Cruise Crazy 5!
    -Jonathan Coulton (duh.)
    -The Both - Aimee Mann & Ted Leo
    -Rhea Butcher
    -Cameron Esposito
    -Jean Grae
    -Paul and Storm

    Plus Featured Guests*:
    -Steve Jackson
    -David Rees
    -John Roderick
    -Wil Wheaton

    Pretty sweet, right? And we're still not done! We’ll be announcing more Performers and Guests in the coming weeks.

    *Featured Guests will not have their own main stage performances; but they will host events, hold office hours, and will very likely appear as guests during other performers' shows and other Main Stage events.
  • Man, it never even occurred to me that Cameron and Rhea might be performers, but now I can't imagine why I didn't think of them. Two of my favorite comics working today.

  • I suspected from their exchanges with Paul on Twitter that Aimee and Ted might be on the bill. I met Aimee when she made a swing through the Rockies a couple of years back and watched her show; she's great.
  • Hotel related question: Does anyone know if the JoCo rate at the Hilton (which appears to still be available, yay!) includes parking for the length of the cruise? They offer a park and cruise rate, but it's not available for the night before the cruise.
  • @Csondra, according to the site: "Special pricing for long-term parking is also available at the Embassy Suites Fort Lauderdale at $6/day.
  • Getting so excited!  My sister and her son are joining me on the cruise!  Can't wait to see Celebrity Artemis!  (it's my brother's game.)
  • Just a quick question for the Home Office about when we'll get the reservation numbers. Those of us with food allergies, medical issues or other needs were requested to complete a Guest Special Needs Form no later than 30 days prior to sailing. 

  • edited December 2014
    @dcwlopez Copy pasta from Facebook :)

    Storm A Paul [Name Redacted] et al.: RCI booking numbers have not been issued yet; there were some discrepancies on the manifest we got from RCI that Scarface and Anna have been working diligently to reconcile before we sent them all out. The alternative was more than a few people being issued wrong booking numbers, which would have been more difficult to fix afterward.

    But we promise they are coming the second we can get them out, promise.

    Similarly, we are HOPING to release the Sea Monkey excursions info at the same time. (Similarly waiting for some confirmations on RCI's end for those.) If not the same time, then as soon as we have it.

    November 30 at 6:17pm

    Also also, Home Office is on the Site Inspection as we speak, so I would not expect any booking updates until this weekend at the absolute earliest.
  • @Thalandor46 Thank you for the update! 
  • edited January 2015

    I am *still* waiting for Apple to approve CruiseMonkey 5 to the app store.  Even once they do, there's a newer, better version available for beta testers.  If you wish to use CruiseMonkey and you aren't already in the beta, you should totally get in the beta to make sure you've got the Objectively Best Code.  Send me your email address that you use for your Apple ID, and I'll put you in the beta.  Even though it's called "beta" it's not really beta at this point, the version beta testers get is just newer and better and cooler.

    Android users, I've submitted the latest version (5.0.8) to the Google Play and Amazon App Stores, and it should be showing up in the next few hours.

    Also note, apparently the invitation link you get only works from Apple Mail, if you try to open it from gmail or other mail clients it won't trigger properly.
  • edited January 2015
    This is one reason why I don't care for devices with "app stores." The manufacturer of a computer should never be able to select or censor the software that runs on it. Sad to see that consumers have acquiesced to this.
  • 5.0.2 is in the App Store now, and 5.0.8 is live on the Amazon & Google Play stores. Fingers crossed on a quick review for 5.0.8 but in the meantime, I still recommend signing up for the beta version if you can.
  • Maybe this thread is long overdue for an un-pinning?
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