Band Requests
Now that the cruise has come and gone (this is not a cruise thread, I swear), Jonathan and the band have been touring mostly the same set for about a year now. There have been some additions along the way (Space Doggity, Blue Sunny Day) and I think some songs are going to re-become live staples (A Talk with George w/Adam on Mandolin, I Feel Fantastic as set closer) but this is a thread where we request songs that the Band could play on upcoming tours.
I would love to hear full band versions of:
- Dance, Soterios Johnson, Dance
- Curl
- Betty and Me
- I Hate California
I see from the wiki that it's never been played live, so I'm probably out of luck. But band'd or acoustic, it'd be pretty great.
My first thought (since A Laptop Like You can be played with just a guitar) was of Summer's Over, which I thought had some kind of wind instrument in it right at the beginning. And then I listened to it again and wondered whether that was even a wind instrument at all. I mean it could be an accordion for all I know. Maybe an accordion is a wind instrument. Regardless, it should be a clarinet. I like clarinets.
I don't know why I'm even posting here. Here's a video of @Colleenky singing De-Evolving.