Happy Birthday, Angelastic!

edited May 2012 in Everything Else
OK, so it's a few hours early, but I wanted to get it posted before bed. Hope your birthday is awesome!


  • Aww, shucks, a thread just for me? :-) Thanks!
  • Happy Birthday Angela! <3 <3 <3 !
  • May your days be merry and bright, and may all your christmases be... wait, no, that's wrong.
    Easter time is here again, and it’s the day we celebrate the morning that the Easter Bunny rises from the grave... no, no, something's still not right.

  • If wishing Angelastic merry and bright days is wrong, I don't want to be right. May all your Christmases be white, Angelastic!
  • Have a wonderful Birthday Angela!
  • Happy Birthday, Angela!
  • Happy birthday! Wishing you all the fun you can cram into 24 hours (without being ON A BOAT).
  • Out of respect for your birthday, Angela, I will NOT try to blow up the moon today.
  • YAY!!! You're OLD !!!!!!!  ;' )
  • It's like Chicazul's birthday, but with Angelastic! :D
  • Happy Birthday, Angela!
  • @Covenant, sadly I am a few years older. Never mind, happy birthday from here as well.
  • Bon anniversaire, Angela!
  • You share a birthday with The Hulk!  Awesome.  Happy birthday to both of you.
  • It may be a bit late for your timezone at this point, but happy birthday, @Angelastic!
  • @elliomeg: Only 24? I started celebrating when my birthday arrived in New Zealand and will continue until it's been and gone everywhere on Earth.

    @mrgoldenbrown: Uh, given your presumed incompetence, could you maybe continue to try to blow up the moon, just to be safe?

    @Covenant: As long as Jeff MacDougall is still older than me, I'm young.

    @Thalandor46: Sorry to disappoint you, but I didn't make cupcakes for anyone.

    @Craig: Well, now that I've said all those things, I feel like I should personally reply to everyone, but I don't know what to say to that. Uh… thanks! Wait, now I have to go back and say something to @Gina and @skyen. But I'm all out of somewhat witty responses. Sod it, THANKS, PEOPLE!

    @BrettGlass: étant donné que j'ai dit tout ça, j…Sod it, HULK ANGELASTIC NO SPEAK FRENCH AFTER MIDNIGHT!

    @mtgordon It all depends which timezone is considered 'mine', but it was not too late for the timezone I'm in, or indeed in Internet Time, which is almost the same. Though for some reason, the forum says all these posts were on May 30.
  • Happy birthday Angela! I, um, have nothing clever to say about birthdays, since Phirman already wished you a happy one.

    Wait! Here's a birthday song I wrote a couple years ago. Ignore the last chorus and you can pretend I'm singing it for you!

  • Slightly belated happy birthday, anti-nemesis.  :)

    Hope you enjoyed it!
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