Artificial Heart discussion
hey guys-

figured i'd make this thread so the joco in the media thread can go back to its usual self. i don't have the album yet (
) like a lot of you don't, but even pre-listening discussion can be had here!

related: i forgot to post this when i made it a couple weeks ago. thought some of you might like it. it's not perfect but it works great as background material!

(gigantic version here)
For one thing, does Alone at Home carry the heavy rock-tempo? How's Down Today? DETAILS, people, DETAILS. I can't get my fix of JoCo 'till September and I'm jonesing here!
On the other hand, I've always had a tough time taking music-reviews seriously because it's so incredibly subjective, more so than almost any other art-form.
UPDATE: Scratch that. It's a re-edited version of the press release from I thought it seemed familiar.
Note: Spoilers below, but if you're even in this thread then you probably don't care that much.
To answer the question about similarity between live and album tracks, a lot of them are pretty similar. In a very stream-of-consciousness continuation: The video of PAX Je Suis Rick Springfield sounds pretty different. Nobody Loves You Like Me is exactly the same. Like, exactly. The version of Alone at Home is the faster rock one, which disappointed me slightly because I liked the acoustic one. Today With Your Wife sounds most different, it's played on piano. The new Still Alive is pretty incredible, I must say. JoCo Want You Gone is basically identical to the game one, except he's singing, and it's missing that weird percussion at the beginning. Artificial Heart itself is softer than the live one, which I found to be a bit of a relief. The duet with Suzanne Vega in Now I Am an Arsonist sounds pretty sweet, especially because I've always loved her stuff. Sticking it to Myself has had some brass added to it, which tickles my fancies. Could've had a bit more, but whatever. Down Today is almost exactly like on the cruise.
The not-played live songs, Fraud and The World Belongs to You, are both pretty good. I prefer Fraud of the two, and it's one of my favorites on the album, honestly.
So, the best: Still Alive, Good Morning Tuscon, Fraud, Today With Your Wife, Now I am an Arsonist
Worst: The Stache. I just don't like that song, no matter how I try to listen to it. I'm glad it's the last on the album, so I can skip it more easily. Not-quite-worst is I'm just not a huge fan of the faster Alone at Home. I'm keeping the acoustic one from Artificial Artificial Heart as my definitive version, personally.
And that's most of what I have to say about that. Need to listen to it more, especially Fraud and The World Belongs to You. Need to see if the novelty wears off.
EDIT: I would also like to point out the one single thing on the album that makes me cringe: The pronunciation of "suis" and "celuis" in Je Suis Rick Springfield. This is more my problem than a general one, though, since I speak French without living in a French area, resulting in my never actually being exposed to anyone with an accent, resulting in my inability to cope with it in my mind.
@weirdojace I've been chain-listening the live renditions, and the couple numbers he's released already, since the first time he started playing any of them live, and the novelty is holding for me.
Well, actually, it might be more accurate to say that the novelty trans-substantiated directly into love. I rather suspect it'll be a lasting album for most Coultonists
@BeatlesLover Thanks for the info. It only fuels my jealousy of anyone who's had the pleasure of listening already, of course, but any third-hand exposure to Artificial Heart I can get at this point is ambrosia :P
Still, I've yet to have those MP3s myself. I shall reserve judgment.
"the novelty trans-substantiated directly into love"
I will call it 'lovelty'.
I love the little scene where he sits in the restaurant, lip-syncing to his iPod, looking slightly awkward
Also, I just listened to the new version of Still Alive on Youtube, it's different, but I still got the feeling of the original, I like it
Though the new version got me thinking: Does it mean that we can expect a Theremin on stage soon? As another special instrument besides the Zendrum?
But anyway that sentence sounds off to me, I'm not entirely sure what he's trying to say, and I'm not sure how to correct it.
So yeah not especially helpful. Sorry.
And the site's down!
But yeah album is out now! And the site is down! Annoying!
I just hope that being involved with Valve Games, JoCo did not get a bad case of the Valve Time disease.
I really like the album so far, really love the new Still Alive version.
Though I must admit I was quite surprised when I heard the album version of Dissolve for the first time, I got so used to the calm start of the live version...
At first I had second thoughts about level four, but now brain and stomach agree that it was the right decision!
Oh, by the way:
package through the game overlay web browser of Steam, while Portal 2 was running in the background
ETA: Just realized I should have edited my post instead of double posting... meh.
It's true, especially if you're paying in pounds, considering the fact that at concerts he sells merch at the same price whether it's in dollars, pounds or euros, so the people in the UK get the worst deal (20 pounds per shirt, IIRC, something like 50 for the USB.) And right now the Swiss franc is particularly strong against your puny US dollars. I'm not sure I even like the other T-shirt designs (I hope they say something on the back) but it's still a good deal. (They don't call me 'good, obedient merchandise-buying minion' for nothing!)
I love getting packages when I've forgotten I've ordered anything.