Why do I like "Ikea" so much?

edited June 2011 in JoCo Music
Why do I like "Ikea" so much?

The last couple days this song has been rattling around my head. When I think of it, I get happy. But why?! It's not the lyrics, which, though clever and amusing, aren't particularly more so than other JoCo songs. Sure, it's upbeat and peppy, but aren't lots of songs?

I'm not really expecting answers -- just sharing -- but if someone _does_ understand why this song is roosting in my brain near the endorphin factory, please do tell.


  • I'm disappointed.. I thought we were going to be discussing furniture, but then I noticed the quotes. But the song is pretty good too. ;)
  • I was shopping for furniture for new flat last weekend, and the whole weekend it was me and my wife singing that damn song :)
  • I've wanted to make an Ikea video for a long time because I like the peppy song. But try as I might, I could never find a solid-enough hook to make it about something else, not just about a furniture store. 'cause a video about a furniture store would be boring.

    The closest I ever got was to make vague plans to have it be part of the Dr. Martin/Betty saga. We first saw Betty and Dr. Martin getting it on behind her husband's back in "Betty And Me", then Doc Martin runs around with a bunch of other people's wives in other videos, then he gets dumped by Betty at the end of "Dance Soterios Johnson Dance" (spoiler alert), after which we catch a glimpse of Dr. Martin crying into his pancakes in the Denny's in "Blue Sunny Day". I had plans (which I actually started work on, but which will likely never come to pass now) of making a "Not About You" video wherein Dr. Martin stalks Betty for the length of the song in (hopefully) creative ways, and at the end she lets him jump in through her window, signaling all is forgiven.

    I thought an "Ikea" video could have Betty decide to finally kick out her dwarf husband, who then has to live amongst the furniture at an Ikea store. Later in the video, Betty would also kick out Dr. Martin, who would meet up with the dwarf husband in the Ikea, forming an unlikely partnership. I was never clear on whether Betty would have to kick out Soterios Johnson too, or if that could be considered a one-off thing, with the dwarf and Dr. Martin being the only serious contenders for Betty's hand. Seems to me most likely that Soterios, being the player he is, would have kicked Betty to the curb first anyway.

    In any case, hijinks of one kind or another would occur at the Ikea, and then... some kind of an ending. I never came up with a satisfying ending that wasn't too cliche. My strongest instinct was to have Betty "forgive" the husband and then also sneak Doc Martin in around the back, but that would have been too much like "Not About You" before it. And then I ran out of steam for making videos before I could ever solve the problem. :(
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