Betty and Me, an allegory

edited April 2009 in JoCo Music
Was listening to "Betty and Me" (for the umpteenth time) and I thought perhaps it wasn't so much about trying to have the perfect baby, as it was a allegory about the desperation of being in a failing marriage and thinking that having a baby will fix it, when instead it really just puts more pressure and stress on an already bad relationship. Dunno.


  • the "me" of the song seems, for the most part, wholly unaware of just how damaged the relationship has become - although, given the plenitude of available evidence, one wonders how much of that is actually na
  • I always thought it was more about a smart wife cheating on her dumb husband using genetic engineering as an excuse to cheat. "I know he looks like Dr. Martin, honey, but we thought his DNA would be better than yours!"

    Not sure how she would hide the pregnancy though -- I guess that's why she spends so much time out late with Dr. Martin?
  • Just because they're presumably having sex with each other and also making a baby together (perhaps using some of his DNA, in any case not using much of the husband's), it doesn't mean that the one has anything to do with the other. They can still make a zygote the less fun way and keep it in its nutritive solution, while wasting perfectly good gametes on recreational activities.
  • That's funny, I just thought it was a silly song about some guy's wife cheating on him with a genetic engineer.
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